Monday, October 17, 2011

Modern Family

Do you ever feel like you have a crazy family?  Do you ever feel like other people would never understand how your family works?  Well, have I got the show for you! Modern Family is a TV sitcom in its third season on ABC.  The sitcom is based on a blended family that lives on the same street.  Phil and Claire are parents to teenagers Haley, Alex and Luke.  Claire's father, Jay, lives next door and is married to Claire's stepmother Gloria, who is around the same age as Claire.  Also living on the block, are Claire's brother Mitchell and his partner Cameron. Mitchell and Cameron are proud parents to their baby girl Lily, who they adopted from Vietnam.  Week after week, millions of people tune into this comedy at nine o'clock to watch the funny cast of characters living their lives in suburbia.  This TV show seemed to be popular right from the beginning of the series.  I would say that is because while everyone might not have a same-sex marriage in their family or step-parents or step-siblings, everyone can relate to how the family relates to one another and is always there for each other.  So when you are feeling like your family could not get any crazier, tune into Modern Family for a good laugh.  It might just make you feel better.

1) sitcom: TV comedy
2) season: year of a television show
3) blended: mixed, combined
4) stepmother: when your father remarries, his wife is this to you
5) adopted: a child who gets new parents, different parents from their birth parents.
6) suburbia: towns outside or surrounding a big city

Cloze Activity:  Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with a vocabulary word from above.

1) I have a large ____________ family because both my parents remarried after their divorce.
2) The TV show Friends ended after its tenth _____________ on the air.
3) Deer Park, North Babylon and Dix Hills are all towns in ______________.
4) How I Met Your Mother is another popular ______________.
5) I now have a _______________ because my father remarried.
6) My brother and his wife ___________ a baby boy named Ryan from China.

Grammar Point
Question Marks are used when writing a question.  A question is a statement that is seeking information. If the statement is not a question, we use a period or sometimes an exclamation point.

Grammar Activity
Read the following phrases and determine if it is a question or a statement.  If it is a statement, put a period.  If it is a question, write a question mark.

1) When does the TV show start__
2) My favorite TV show is Modern family__
3) What is your favorite TV show__
4) What channel is your favorite TV show on__
5) I like to watch TV with my family__

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Embarrassing False Cognate Experience

I grew up speaking English with my family.  When I was in the seventh grade, I chose to study Spanish as my foreign language requirement for graduation.  During my senior year at Ward Melville High School, I decided that I wanted to pursue a career in teaching Spanish.  After graduating from high school, I went to SUNY Cortland and majored in Adolescent Education in Spanish.  While in my junior year there, I decided to study abroad in Salamanca, Spain.  While I was studying Spanish there, I lived with a family.  I had my own room in their apartment, where I slept and would eat three meals a day with Beni, my host mother and José, my host father.  One morning, I woke up late for class.  I got dressed quickly, grabbed my bag and headed out the door.  As I was hurrying down the street, I dropped my notebook.  Some very nice strangers helped me gather my papers.  After saying thank you, I began walking quickly in what I thought was the direction of school.  After a couple of blocks, I realized I was heading in the wrong direction and that I was going to arrive even later to class.  When I finally reached my school, I ran up the stairs and arrived at my classroom.  As I was rushing up the stairs, I was rehearsing what I was going to say to apologize to my professor.  I knew I wanted to say I was sorry and that I was embarrassed for being late.  As I sprung open the door, I announced "Lo siento, estoy embarasada."  What I had intended to say was that I was sorry and embarrassed for being late.  I received a very strange grin from my teacher and a few weird looks form my classmates.  As I found a seat, another American student leaned over to me and said "Doesn't embarasada mean pregnant?" Instead of saying I was embarrassed, I announced to the whole class that I was pregnant.  Now, I was really embarrassed!  This is an example of a false cognate.  A false cognate is a word in one language that looks or sounds like a word in another language and has a DIFFERENT meaning.  Cognates are words that sound or look alike and have the SAME meaning.

1) requirement: something that you have to do
2) pursue: choosing to do or follow something
3) graduating: completing high school
4) majored: what you choose to study in college
5) gather: to bring to together, collect
6) blocks: parts of streets, from one corner to another

Cloze Activity: Fill in the following blanks with one of the above vocabulary words.
1) The school is four ___________ away from my house.
2) You must complete the foreign language _____________ in order to graduate.
3) Please ___________ your belongings and meet me in the office.
4) After _____________ from high school, the students will continue to college.
5) While in the college, the teacher ____________ in education.
6) The student wants to ____________ a career in politics.

Grammar Point- The Present Progressive:
The present progressive is a way to express something that is occurring in the moment, or happening right now.  To form verbs in the present progressive, you must add -ing to the end of the word.  For example, the verb graduating is the verb graduate plus the ending -ing.

Grammar Exercise:
Write the following verbs in the present progressive:

1) Follow _________________
2) Study __________________
3) Learn __________________
4) Reach __________________
5) Speak __________________